Love the Ones Who Love You

This has been quite the year for college admissions. Many of the highly selective college admissions rates, as expected, have dropped. Some significantly. This affects not only students who are applying to highly selective colleges but all students who are applying to any college. There is a trickle-down effect, so to speak, as stronger students take up spots at less selective universities and so on.

Today is IVY day. The day that Ivy League colleges release their regular decisions. Based on what we have already heard, we expect the stats to be brutal, with all the Ivies coming in with low single-digit acceptance rates. Brown announced to counselors yesterday that their overall admissions rate will be 5.4% and that their regular admissions rate will be 3.5%. Duke released their results last night, and they admitted 4.3% of regular decision candidates for a record low. 

Below, courtesy of College Kickstart, are some admissions statistics from some other highly selective universities compared to last year. 

Stats so far for 2025 students

Stats for 2024 students

While we expect waitlists to move (see our advice in our previous blog on what to do if you have been waitlisted), our best advice to students today is LOVE the ones who LOVE you. Go to any live or virtual admitted students events you can, pick your favorite, buy the T-Shirt and get excited about where you have been accepted! Fall in love. Who knows, maybe if you do get called off a waitlist, you will be the one to say no.


Spring Forward with Good Recommendations


Hope Springs Eternal