Thinking about a GAP year

Here is an excellent article from Inside Higher Ed on the complexities of thinking about a GAP year because of COVID 19 and a worry that colleges will be online in the fall.

 Things to consider: 

- You must be approved to take a GAP year. 

- What will students be approved to do for their GAP year if COVID 19 prevents lots of things from happening? 

- Online internships or isolated domestic experiences might be your best GAP options this year. 

- Students at more selective institutions might have an easier time getting approved for a GAP year and extended time to make a decision. 

- Most colleges will not allow you to take many courses, if any, elsewhere during a GAP year. 

- Students less concerned about "getting in" to their school again might be more inclined to not commit to any school and just decide on a community college closer to home for a year and then transfer. 

- Currently, the US is not processing any visas for International Students, and it could possibly be until September before they do. 

- Many colleges can not afford to let many students take a GAP year, and they might limit the number of students they give permission to.


The Differences Between UCAS and The Common APP and the Guidelines for Writing a Great Personal Statement for UCAS in the UK


Summer thoughts for our students